Sales Agents

Which attributes to look for when selecting the best B2B European distribution partner in July 2021 and beyond

Working with high performing distributors is critical for exporters, particularly right at the moment when the ability to travel is reduced and the conditions do not make it easy to recruit a local sales team.

European languages: How realising their importance can give you a competitive edge in Europe

If you deal in the European market it is common to hear people remark that most Germans are fine with English, most Swedes and Dutch have beautiful English - such statements are commonplace and are mainly expressed by British, Australians and Americans, who do not speak any foreign languages and have little understanding of what the Europeans speaking English think and do not always realise what they miss out on.

The Snowball Effect, the fine art of starting small to scale globally

In Winter as a child growing up in Normandy I remember the ultimate pleasure of forming a small snowball in my hands and then rolling it across my snow covered garden. The great pleasure of seeing the snowball become bigger. When it almost looks like a little bundle, you lift it on its side and there is the lower part of a snowman. Then off you go and you start again and you form a beautiful snowball, again starting small, and you put it on top of the other and the full body is done! Then you make the head, you’ve got the picture!

Exportia Lab: Selling your tech to Europe without travelling

One of the reasons why we have been able to thrive within the last months is because we rapidly adapted our way of selling by effectively using web conferencing platforms. As a business we cannot afford to wait for a potential COVID end date. We had to change the sales process so our customers are able to continue developing their business and sales activities in Europe.

Interview with Michael Corfield, Omnitanker

Michael is currently the Head of Sales of Omni Tanker. And the reason I wanted to interview him was because he has a very interesting and solid experience in export around the world. I thought it would be worth sharing a bit about his journey with our exporters community.  Enjoy the read and you can also listen to the interview here. The interview has been slightly edited to ease the read.