Sales Channels

How To Accelerate Sales with a European Sales Agent Team

It’s difficult to keep track of your distributor’s sales team when you don’t have a local presence in Europe. It makes it difficult to ensure that your product will always be high on their priority list. As a result, I’ve found it useful to hire a sales team for my clients. It is also a [...]

4 Tips for Managing your Distributors while Expanding in Europe

Now that you have activated your distributors by generating leads for them, by identifying your future sales champions for them, it’s time to manage them more closely. The objective is now to make sure that this partnership is working. For that, you need to manage them. The way you manage your distributors is first by establishing [...]

Activating your Distributor for a Successful European Expansion

In my experience working with small businesses, the most typical mistake after they pick a distributor, is that they believe the job is over. Activating distribution channels is one thing I help my clients with. By doing this, you are securing your distributor’s attention. Keep in mind distributors have other things to promote, and their [...]

How Engaging Your Distributors Helps with Your European Expansion

As a small business, you may not know how to approach distributors or partners, so engaging your distributors is key to the success of your exporting efforts. There are different ways to approach them, and one of them is when you attend trade shows or digital congresses. Directly contacting your selection of potential distributors is [...]

3 Steps in Selecting Your Distributors when Exporting in Europe

For small businesses that want to venture out and start exporting in the European market, I always advise them to be picky with distributors! It is okay to be selective, even if your business is small. Before signing up a distributor, be sure to evaluate them carefully. Many small businesses are so eager to speak [...]