Monthly Archives: November 2020

In order to thrive, why now is the opportune time to change the way you sell to international markets in a B2B environment

Before COVID-19 hit, I used to commute between Australia and Europe on a monthly basis. That was one of my core activities visiting  European clients and having face to face meetings with their sales teams on behalf of my Australian customers. When COVID-19 hit I had to stop travelling abroad or risk being stuck overseas far from Australia and my family. 

Christelle Wins the 2020 Smart WFM Australian Business Book Awards

Congratulations to our very own Managing Director, Christelle Damiens for winning the Australian Business Book Awards 2020 on Communications and Sales category and for being a finalist in the Entrepreneurship and Small Business category for her Amazon Bestseller Book "The 4 steps to generate your first million euros in sales"!