Monthly Archives: May 2020

5 Reasons to export to Europe now ! A message from the Exportia team to you

As I am being grounded in Australia for almost three months now, while running my export business- Exportia, I feel it's a great time to share what my team and I have learnt in the last few months. As we have continued to successfully push for sales in Europe for our Australian technology customers, we are very positive about this period. During our last team meeting, I was just asking what I should write about this week. We came to the consensus that we should share with you the reasons why we think it is a great time to export to Europe. 

Scaling in Europe : When and what type of salesperson do you recruit?

It’s extremely hard to end an employment contract for non-performance in Europe. In some markets like Germany or France, it can be extremely long and expensive to engage a dismissal process. One of our Australian customers reported to us that it did cost them close to 250,000 euros to dismiss one of their German senior managers. 

10 practical tips for exporters to survive and prosper after COVID-19

As Exportia is providing an outsourced European sales & marketing team to Australian innovative SMEs, we have had to adapt our approaches to make sure our customers continue to thrive in Europe in such a bumpy climate. Our goal remains unchanged! We still to take them to their first million Euros in Sales and we are not planning to be stopped by COVID-19. We want our customers to push through and succeed.