WEBINAR SERIES: Scaling innovative technology businesses in Europe…RAPIDLY

Selling technology to Europe is daunting but could be critical for success for many Australian SME’s. Developing a European market entry strategy is daunting – which of the 28 countries? How to test market potential? what is the best channel to market? So many questions. “Scaling innovative technology businesses in Europe…RAPIDLY. The 4 key success factors to generate significant sales in Europe” the Four Keys Webinar Series to be delivered by Christelle Damiens from Exportia.

Now is the time to explore opportunities in the European market! With over 500 million consumers, Europe hosts a large number of multinationals hungry for technology and Australian innovation (Airbus, Sanofi, Bayer, Danone, Remondis, Daimler, Fiat…).

With 28 countries and 24 official languages, Europe can seem a daunting market place for Australian technology firms. Most of the questions Australian SMEs ask are:

  • Does my product have the potential to be sold in Europe?
  • Where do you start in selling your technology to Europe?
  • Which country should I target first?
  • What are the regulatory hurdles?
  • And What do I need to do to protect my intellectual property

And even existing exporters face challenging problems

  • Should I engage a distributor or employ my own sales staff?
  • How do I get my European distributors to generate more sales?
  • Am I selling in the right country?

Christelle Damiens, Managing Director of Exportia, specialises in successfully taking Australian Technology to Europe. She is also the author of “Ready Tech Go! – A definitive guide to exporting Australian technology to Eurpe”. Christelle says, “I will be sharing with participants the keys we use every day to take small and medium sized Australian innovate businesses to their first million Euros in sales and beyond”.

This Four Key Keys Webinar Series will provide you with the tools to accelerate your European market entry strategy and implementation and which country you should target first. You will benefit from Christelle’s more than 10 years of experience in successfully taking Australia technologies to Europe.

“The greatest value CleanSpace experience received from engaging the services of Exportia is the speed of generating sales in Europe and the depth of penetration that the team of Exportia provides with all their activities” Dr Alex Birrell, CEO Cleanspace.



  • Understanding your firm’s readiness to export to Europe
  • How to fast track European success by identifying the most appropriate market(s) for your firm’s technology
  • How to test the market potential of your technology in Europe
  • Understanding the best channel to market
  • How to select the right distributor for your technology and target market
  • How to generate your first sales in Europe
  • How to sell to large European multinationals like Sanofi, Airbus, Siemens, Bosch
  • Hiring or not Hiring in Europe? Options, risks, and opportunities



  • Chief Executive Officers
  • Sales and Export Managers
  • Commercial Managers
  • Business Development Managers
  • General Managers
  • International Business Managers



Four 90 minute webinars led by Christelle Damiens, teaching the framework and tools Exportia uses every daily to successfully generate business for technology companies in Europe.

You will gain an understanding of the concept behind each of the Four Keys, best practices from high performance exporters, cheat sheets to take away (price lists, templates), and hear success stories and challenges of Australian exporters.

During the workshop participants will be given the opportunity to implement some of their learnings as well as present their issues and receive feedback from Christelle Damiens.



Christelle turned her back to a successful career as a sales representative in the corporate world in Europe. When she moved to Australia in 2006, she started Exportia to share the wealth of her Europe-wide sales experiences for a small business as an export manager and as a sales representative at IBM in Paris.

“Having taken dozens of Australian businesses to Europe, I personally know the difficulty for a small business to significantly grow their sales in the European market. It is a very diverse market and small businesses often don’t know where to start. Small business owners are often caught up with running their business and with their domestic market to be able to allocate enough time to the European market. Lowering the risk for small businesses and guiding them to maximise the export sales results are what drives us at Exportia.”

Christelle has also encapsulated her learning into a book called “Ready Tech Go! – A definitive guide to exporting Australian technology to Europe”. French native speaker, fluent in German and English, with Basic Italian and Hindi.


For more information on this workshop please contact Ken Long on 0449 901 600 or kenlong@deloitte.com.au


Webinar details

Key 1 Europe, where to start? which country first?

Tuesday – 24 March 2020
10:00am AEDT

Key 2 Succeeding with distributors – a simple 5-step-process

Tuesday 12 May 2020
9:30am AEDT

Key 3: Do’s and Don’ts when targeting European Multinationals and Key government organisations

Tuesday 9 June 2020
9:30am AEST

Key 4: Hiring and not Hiring in Europe? Options, risks and opportunities

Thursday 14 July 2020
9:30am AEST

When you register you will be asked which Webinar you would like to attend, you are welcome to attend as many as you prefer.

Please note, this is a free webinar series hosted by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Entrepreneurs’ Programme and Deloitte.

The Entrepreneurs’ Programme provides quality advice and support to assist businesses to innovate and grow. For further information on what services may be available to you, visit: business.gov.au/EP

Click here to Register

If you have any questions about this Webinar series please contact EPLearningEvents@industry.gov.au

Have questions about WEBINAR SERIES: Scaling innovative technology businesses in Europe…RAPIDLY? Contact Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
